Map of southern Africa showing where Tswana is spoken

Calling all Setswana Speakers

Are you, or do you know a Setswana speaker who uses a screen-reader? Our Setswana Dimpho has been available for several months in Botswana and South Africa. We want to hear from users about their experience.

We developed the Setswana language module for RHVoice, and the first voice – under contract from the United. Nations office for Project Services. The voice has been delivered on the RHVoice Apps for Android and Microsoft Windows.

We look forward to hearing about how this voice is allowing blind Setswana speakers in Botswana and South Africa access news, literature and educational materials in their mother tongue.

In developing this voice over a period of months, we benefited from: Recordings made for us by broadcaster and journalist, Ms D. J. Motaung; Professor Emeritus J.C. Roux of Stellenbosch University who provided linguistics advice; and screen-reader users at Blind SA NGO who tested the voice.

Map of Tswana-speaking areas in Southern Africa courtesy of